How To Manage Your SEO Project Effectively Using Project Planning Tools

Managing an SEO project can be really difficult. Whether you are looking for personal project management tools to keep yourself organized or full project planning tools and CRM systems to use across your whole team in a small business, there are solutions out there that can make life much easier.

Project Planning Tools

Many people involved in the SEO industry are great at outreach and creating content, but staying organized and tracking projects can be a huge challenge, especially if you are constantly having to communicate with others or manage an entire team.

In this guide, we delve into some top tools for SEO, including some that will cut down the time creating and distributing content and some that will help you to check everyone is on the right page.

Using Project Planning Tools For SEO Project

Finding the best project management online tools and using them properly can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your strategy. Some big project management programs like Trello have grown immensely in the last few years – it now has over 2 million teams managing projects on the platform.

Using planning tools helps to prevent things from getting left by the wayside. As well as being great communication platforms, these can be methods for organizing your business and ensuring that everybody’s responsibilities are assigned into tasks. It creates a chain of command in your business.

Types of Project Planning Tools

There are plenty of different types of project planning tools available now, as well as different tools that may be suitable in certain industries and projects.

Tools that can be particularly useful include:

  1. Task management tools: Every activity or task that needs to be carried out can be tracked and assigned to different members.
  2. Workflow tools: Trello is an example of this. It can help you to put tasks into a sort of pipeline that is passed along based on different team members and their input or approvals.
  3. Communication tools: A lot of project planning software and tools include communication, it is vital that there are divisions of teams and that these can adequately communicate, especially if you are running a big team.
  4. Calendar tools: This is all about deadlines. Calendar tools can help you to plan to a specific date or deadline and ensure that work is delivered on time.

Some tools out there are more “all-in-one” solutions. For instance, Slack is a tool that can be greatly customized and altered to suit your specific needs.

How to Choose The Right Tools For SEO

There are far more tools out there that can help you to create an effective SEO strategy. You may be looking at the project and team management tools thinking they are not really the sort of technologies that will help you, especially if you are working on your own.

As well as using a productivity app or a project management app, there is software that can lead to a transformation in your workflow and success. Content creation is one of the most crucial steps to improving your SEO strategy, and tools for this can help you hugely.

Written content must be professional and understandable, and examples of tools that can help with this include Grammarly. It is an app that works online and can point out any grammar errors on your documents, as well as suggest changes and improvements.

Video is also proving to be crucial in the world of SEO. Marketers like Neil Patel are advocating the use of video content, and this can leave newcomers a little perplexed as to how to start making their own. Fortunately, many smartphones and laptops are capable of making excellent videos and combining this with simple and affordable video editors such as Movavi. 

The tools you need may vary depending on the content you are creating as the focus of your SEO strategies.

Successful Cases of Using Tools For SEO

There are examples of people using tools to greatly increase their SEO value, and some of these tools are project management tools. This guide explains that project planning tools can increase productivity by up to 30% and while there are few public case studies regarding SEO teams, it is clear that the multi-faceted nature of an SEO campaign can benefit from great management.

There are plenty of tools that can be used for SEO, and specific SEO tools, such as Screaming Frog can be found in numerous case studies. Check out this one from Matthew Woodward, who explains how he 14x increased a website’s traffic and how digital marketing tools played a part in this.

Tips For Using Project Tools For SEO Successfully

It is one thing to have the tools, it is another thing entirely to be able to use them effectively. 

The first tip is to ensure that you actually have the right tools, whether that means project management software, video and graphic production, or text and SEO plugins and tools. 

Other tips, with a focus on project management, include:

  • Make sure tasks are clear and communicated with everyone who needs to know, especially if you have multiple people in your team.
  • Set deadlines even if there are no hard deadlines in the project, this gives everyone a target to work towards rather than floating through the project.
  • Encourage communication. Another tip for teams, it is vital that people have a way to ask questions if they need to.
  • Invest time and energy in creating systems. Systems are what is scalable in a business and if your team grows or you want to run other projects, having a system in place can make life much easier. 

Conclusion – Managing Your SEO Project

Most businesses that are creating any sort of content, from videos to blog posts, need to think about their SEO. Without it, you are almost definitely leaving money on the table in the form of potential new customers.

A project management tool may be an investment, either financial or in your time if the tool itself is free. However, it is almost always worth creating these systems and clarity to drive your SEO project forward and bring extra traffic to your site. 

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